Can't white hair be helped as you get older?

White hair, along with wrinkles, age spots, and decreased vision, is a well-known sign of the aging process in the human body. However, depending on the individual, it can be a source of great stress if it occurs conspicuously from a young age.

White hair is inherited, and premature white hair causes stress.

White hair is a natural part of the aging process; however, premature white hair occurs when white hair appears earlier than the average age (whites before their 20s, Asians and blacks before their 30s).

Premature white hair looks the same as normal white hair, but there is a difference in the distribution of occurrence. White hair occurs in the order of the sides, front, and back of the head, but premature white hair is usually scattered throughout. In general, it is known that the biggest factor in the appearance of white hair is genetics. If a person's parents have white hair, it is likely that they will have white hair as well, and if parents begin developing white hair early, their offspring may also develop white hair early.

However, white hair in youth can be a major source of stress. When you are stressed, the supply of nutrients to the hair roots may be reduced or melanin production may be reduced due to hormonal imbalance and the production of free radicals. Anemia or nutritional deficiency can also cause hair cell aging. Lifestyle choices can also have an impact on the development of white hair. Westerners are more likely than Asians to develop white hair because eating a lot of animal fat raises blood cholesterol and reduces the nutrients supplied to the hair roots. Furthermore, if you smoke and don't get enough sleep, your body temperature and blood circulation will drop, which can harm your hair.

Dyeing to hide white hair? Frequent dyeing damages the hair

So far, there is no cure for white hair or premature white hair, so dyes are commonly used. However, if you dye your hair too frequently or use a strong irritant dye, it will damage it and negatively affect your scalp, so dyeing should be done in a safe manner and with appropriate agents.

Maintaining a healthy scalp is essential for preventing white hair or premature white hair. It is recommended to massage the scalp with your hands or a comb to improve blood circulation in the scalp, to wash your hair thoroughly so that no detergent remains, and to avoid excessive stimulation of the scalp. Furthermore, if you reduce stress and live a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, eating fresh fruits and vegetables and high-quality protein, getting enough rest and sleep, and exercising regularly, your hair health will improve.

Source Daejeon Eulji University Hospital Health Column │Professor Lee Joong-sun

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